Physics and Math Resources


This is where I will aggregate as many of the resources I’ve found helpful in physics and math topics as I can. I’ll try my best to achieve a sensible separation by subject, though this can be inherently difficult due to very ambiguous boundaries in some cases.

General Audience Resources


XKCD: Astrophysics

Technical Resources, Reviews, Lectures

Classical Mechanics

Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics

Quantum Mechanics

  • A Course in Quantum Computing [PDF] – A wide-ranging and comprehensive introduction to quantum mechanics in the context of quantum computation. It introduces much of the math required (i.e. complex numbers and vector spaces), making it accessible with a minimal amount of prerequisite knowledge. This accessibility, however, is of course correlated with the absence of topics involving infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces which are some of the most important for physicists.

  • Quantum algorithm Zoo – A comprehensive catalog of quantum algorithms.

Quantum Field Theory

Modern Amplitude Methods

  • Scattering Amplitudes – A review of modern amplitude methods including spinor helicity formalism, on-shell recursion relations, superamplitudes and their symmetries, twistors and momentum twistors, loops and integrands, Grassmannians, polytopes, and amplitudes in perturbative supergravity as well as 3d Chern-Simons-matter theories. Multiple examples and exercises are included.
  • Gauge and Gravity Amplitude Relations – On simplifications and universalities found in scattering amplitudes for gauge and gravity theories

Solitons & Topological Defects

On \(\mathcal{N}=4\) Super Yang-Mills

  • Scattering Amplitudes and the Positive Grassmannian
  • The Amplituhedron – This is, in my view, a remarkable reformulation of the maximally supersymmetric gauge theory in terms of a novel structure in higher projective geometry, dubbed the amplituhedron. It is especially noteworthy for rexpressing the problem of computing scattering amplitudes in purely geometric terms without reference to any of the usual physical concepts that are usually needed.

String Theory


  • Plasma Physics – A complete set of lecture notes for a graduate plasma physics course covering particle orbit theory, fluid theory, wave theory, MHD theory, and kinetic theory.



Group theory